Worshipping with us from home

Because we cannot run services in the church buildings during the lockdown, you can join us from home in a variety of ways. Details in Pews News, where you will also find plenty more of interest.

Here is a recording of our worship on Sunday morning 17 January, carried out live in our homes using Zoom.

No Axmouth services for at least a month

We are sorry to tell you that, with infections in the areas rising and a lockdown again in place, Axmouth Church will stay closed until further notice.

Other churches in the Axe Valley Mission Community have made the same decision, as have the Seaton and Beer churches and those in Colyton and Colyford.

For those who would like to worship from home, Sunday morning online “Zoom” services will be reinstated from 10.30 am on Sunday 17th January. There will also be Telephone services twice a week.

Details in Pews News