Axmouth Church open for services!

Sunday 10 am services are back in church

When you do come to church, to comply with the current law, masks must be worn and social distancing precautions will be in place. Please don’t be put off by that, it’s to keep you and everybody safe so that we can confidently share church worship once again.

In addition, whenever possible, we will stream the service live to our Facebook page, so you can join from home via We will also place a video recording here as soon as it’s ready: normally late afternoon or, at worst, the following morning.

A list of Forthcoming Services is posted in the site menu and you’ll find further details there each week in Pews News.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

What a thrill to be able to celebrate the wonderful of gift of Easter in our own church!

Here is the video recording from this happy, sunny morning!