Terry Barratt talks about SEAN with live South American music

Terry Barratt has been involved in SEAN for some 50 years.  His parents, who worshipped at Axmouth, started it and Terry has seen SEAN grow to a worldwide ministry, training, equipping and empowering ordinary people to start churches and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  In church this morning he charted the growth of SEAN from its humble beginnings to the present where he is finally about to hand over to a new Director.

Accompanied by sister Rosemary on the harp, he also gave us a flavour of worship in a South American church.

You can hear the service here




Easter Sunday Worship

It was a delight to see a much larger congregation than on a usual Sunday.  Rose Tidball led the service, Terry Barratt spoke on the Easter theme and presided at Communion. Our occasional choir took part as we all sang some Easter favourites.  You can hear the service here