In today’s service, Pancha read the account in Luke 9:28-36 of The Transfiguration and Hilary spoke on it
Rose led the worship and Harry played the organ. You can hear the whole service here
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In today’s service, Pancha read the account in Luke 9:28-36 of The Transfiguration and Hilary spoke on it
Rose led the worship and Harry played the organ. You can hear the whole service here
We were delighted again to welcome Revd Canon John Holder to take our service this morning.
We heard readings from Revelation 4 , St John’s vision of Heaven, and Luke 8:22-25, where Jesus calms the storm threaten to engulf his disciples’ fishing boat. Canon John drew lessons for us to ponder – and apply during the period of Lent, which he saw not as a time for giving up the bad but rather for taking up the good.
Do have a listen. The whole service is here.