Pentecost is the day we celebrate the promise made by Jesus in John 14:8-27 which he fulfilled in Acts 2:1-21 – the coming of the Holy Spirit to be with us until the end of time
Our service was led by Revd Geoffrey Walsh. Roger Grose spoke and accompanied our worship on the organ.
Jesus ascending into heaven. The Life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole (Eyre and Spottiswoode, c 1905).
We gathered on Thursday evening to celebrate the Ascension of Christ. This was a joint service with our brothers and sisters from Uplyme.Our lay ministry team from both churches conducted the service and Revd Canon David Lawrence presided at Holy Communion. You can hear the service here.
On Sunday morning we met to worship the Lord and hear about the prayer of Jesus for us, as set out in John 17 20-26. The organ had developed a fault, so Shirley McBride played the piano — and also heard her daughter’s banns called! Listen to the service here.