How to pray?

The theme of today’s service was the Lord’s Prayer, as taught by Jesus to his followers in Luke 11:1-13

Pancha led the services, Frances and Iain read the Bible passages, Lesley led our prayers, Terry presided at Holy Communion and Harry accompanied our worship on the organ.  You can listen here.

Ann read a letter from our new Vicar the Revd Clive Sedgewick.  You’ll find a copy here.

Who was right? Mary or Martha?

We gathered this morning to hear the story of the visit by Jesus and his followers to the home of Mary and Martha. The story is a model for getting priorities right in our busy lives today. Jeannie read the account in Luke 10:38-42, Lesley spoke on it, Terry led us in prayer and Shirley accompanied our worship on the freshly-tuned organ.

You can hear the whole service here.

Rose’s tea and cakes afternoon yesterday raised over £400 for church charities. Many thanks to her for organising it all and to those who came and supported it!

STOP PRESS: Ann announced that Axmouth and Uplyme Churches are to join with the Axe Valley group of churches to form an expanded Mission Community. Our new vicar will be Revd Clive Sedgewick, who is already in charge of the Axe Valley churches. More details under “Pastoral Reorganisation” in the top Menu.