Sunday 13th September: Axmouth Church Service

Our Holy Communion service was led by Revd Shuna George, assisted by Lesley Gubbins with Roger Grose at the organ.

This service was experimentally live-streamed to Facebook. We know it worked because viewer names were fed back to us at the time. However, the whole proceedings appeared on Facebook on its side! We hope we have learned from the experience…

Here it is, correctly orientated!

Latest Church News Sat 12 Sep 2020

As well as Holy Communion at Axmouth on Sunday (see post above) our Curate Tracey was ordained at Exeter Cathedral.

Click for the order of service plus the Facebook link and choose Ordination Service no 3.

Then next week the community gets a chance to welcome her with a group service for us all at Axminster. That’s on Sunday morning 20th September.

And our prayer month continues.

Details of all this and more in the Pews News and the Month of Prayer sheet. Check them out in the Latest Church News!