Week beginning Sunday 11 October 2020

Here’s a poster for the Axmouth Harvest Service.

Bring non-perishable gifts on Sunday in church at 10 am and again on Thursday. These will then be given to Seaton Food Bank.

We will attempt to broadcast the service online to our Facebook page.  However we are in the early stages of learning how to do this and it may not work.  This is the link to try https://www.facebook.com/pg/Axmouth/videos/?ref=page_internal

Stop Press: It DID work.  Here it is …

This week’s AVMC Pews News follows, including details of an initiative Seaton churches are spearheading called “Christians Against Poverty

Week beginning Sun 4 October

  • We’re in the season for Harvest services. Uplyme has one this Sunday and we in Axmouth have ours next Sunday 11th October.
  • We also have our usual range of online and telephone services
  • And the Archbishops have written to encourage us in the darkening days ahead.

Details of all this and more in the AVMC Pews News (Axmouth edition)

or read it below

The newest Parish Magazine is now on the website