Looking ahead through the lockdown

Alternative Services

Zoom – Sunday at 11 am

While we are unable (again) to have services in our churches you are invited to join our live Sunday worship online at home. Please note the later time.

Either use this link and follow screen instructions:

Or open your Zoom app and use:
Meeting ID: 306 129 2276, Passcode: Axmouth333

YouTube – Sunday at 10 am (or any time afterwards):

Recorded worship


Telephone – Friday at 10.30 am:

Live worship

Call 0330 606 0403, access code 484444#

Telephone – 1st and 3rd Sunday at 4 pm:

Live worship

Call 0333 011 0616, access code 7239782#

“The AVMC ministry team are continuing to work hard and assure you of our prayers during this difficult time. We are thankful to all those who will ensure the Zoom services take place over the next few weeks. We do look forward to joining in worship with you whichever way you choose…”

… Nicky Davies, Vicar

Axmouth Remembrance Sunday 2020

On Sunday we live-streamed our Act of Remembrance from the Axmouth War Memorial and, because the church had to be closed, we followed it with a recorded church service. The centrepiece of this was a powerful talk by Ernie Fox based on Mike Clement’s extensive research into those of Axmouth who fell in the World Wars.

Here is a video recording of it all…