Sun 28 Oct 2018: Riley’s Baptism


Today’s service completed our series on Paul’s letter to the Colossians and also saw the baptism of Baby Riley.

Revd Kate Woolven conducted a joyful service in the presence of many family and friends of all ages.

You can listen to the service here

Sun 21 Oct 2018: Col 3:5-17

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature … clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.



Today’s worship was led by Revd Terry Barratt and Roger Grose spoke on Col 3: 5-17 as rules for modern living and as a guard against the phenomena of “post-truth” and “fake news”. He also chose and played all the hymns on the organ.

Yvonne read the Bible passage and Iain led the prayers.

You can listen to the service here