Sun 18th November

“Watch out that no one deceives you”

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Today’s service focused far into the future towards the Second Coming of Christ.

Mary read from Mark 13:1-8 and Iain talked about what Jesus meant by the destruction of the temple and the beginning of birth pains.

Rose led our worship and Sue the prayers.

You can listen to the service here.

Axmouth Remembrance Sunday Service

This morning at Axmouth Church the village and community gathered to remember

Elisabeth Stewart led the service, Ernie Fox provided dramatic readings and Revd Kate Woolven spoke on our Christian duty to promote peace through love

Harry Eaton played the organ and Dennis Bye played The Last Post on the trumpet

Select here for a short video flavour of our commemoration

And here for a recording of the whole service

NOTE:  Our WWI centenary exhibition in the church is open throughout the coming week