Farewell to Kate

Axmouth Church is sad to see the departure of our wonderful vicar, Revd Kate Woolven. Her last service in Axmouth was on Christmas Day and her last for us all in the Axmouth-Uplyme Mission Community was on Sunday 6th January 2019 in Uplyme Church at 10 am. Both congregations were present in force. We say thank you, goodbye and God Bless you, Kate.

Our last service of 2018

This morning’s theme was The boy Jesus at the temple as described in Luke 2:41-52

Mary Britton read the Bible passage and Lesley Gubbins spoke on it.

Elisabeth Stewart then led an Agape Meal. The Agape was the Love Feast of early apostolic times, a simple meal to which everyone was invited. All differences of economic and social standing were ignored, as Christians met as members of one family. As a sign of equal membership, the rich brought food for the poor, who brought nothing. The word ‘Agape’ describes a love which is selfless, sacrificial and unconditional. It is the love God has for us, shown in Jesus’ sacrificial death. In sharing this meal, we pray that we may then demonstrate that love to one another in our daily lives.

You can listen to the service here