Sun 3 Feb 2019

Luke 2:22-40


Two lay ministers took the service today.  Lesley Gubbins conducted our worship and Hilary Harron spoke on the Presentation of Christ at the temple.  Revd Terry Barratt led us in prayer.

It was a rich, meaningful occasion with some good singing by the congregation and, if you missed it, you can hear a recording here.

Sunday 27 January

1 Corinthians 12-31a

We were delighted to welcome Revd Canon John Holder to lead our worship and officiate at Holy Communion this morning.
John told us of his varied life as a teacher, an army officer and then thirty years as an ordained minister in Gloucester diocese.  He is now retired to Seaton and has kindly undertake to help us during our interregnum.
He spoke of the spiritual gifts we all have and need to use to grow this church for the future.

You can listen to the service here