Preparing for Lent

We were delighted again to welcome Revd Canon John Holder to take our service this morning.

We heard readings from Revelation 4 , St John’s vision of Heaven, and Luke 8:22-25, where Jesus calms the storm threaten to engulf his disciples’ fishing boat.  Canon John drew lessons for us to ponder – and apply during the period of Lent, which he saw not as a time for giving up the bad but rather for taking up the good.

Do have a listen.  The whole service is here.

Axmouth Village Hall News

The village hall reopened for a quiz night on Saturday 23rd February. Thanks for coming, a good time was had by all.

This means that the  Wednesday Get-Together, which has been held in the church during the hall closure, will be back in the village hall from 10am on Wednesday 27th February.  See you there!