Repent or Perish …

Today we read Jesus’ demanding teaching in Luke 13:1-9, tempered with the reassurance of God’s mercy in the parable of the barren fig tree.

Revd John Holder spoke on this, Lesley Gubbins led us in prayer and Shirley McBride accompanied our hymns on piano and guitar.

Hear the whole service here

Lent in Axmouth

Lent is a season of self-examination, reflection and preparation for Easter. We marked the beginning of Lent with two services. If you would like to hear them, the first included “ashing” …

… and was led in Axmouth church by Revd Canon David Lawrence on Ash Wednesday evening, a joint service also attended by the congregation of Uplyme church …

… the second took place on Sunday 17th March when our lay minister Roger Grose spoke on Luke 13:31-35.

Lent is modelled on Christ’s 40-day ordeal in the desert where he faced and resisted all temptation.  We are running a course throughout Lent for anybody interested on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm at our sister church in Uplyme.

Later we will mark Holy Week with services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday before the culmination of the Resurrection at Easter.