Potential Pastoral Reorganisation

As we continue to explore the future of Axmouth Church, discussions are taking place with the Axe Valley Mission Community about how we and Uplyme Church might work more closely together with them.

We have posted notes of a recent meeting of churchwardens across the area under the heading Potential Pastoral Reorganisation which you will find in the Menu at the top of this site.

Nothing has been decided and none of this can proceed unless our PCC agrees it.  This is just for your information and prayers.

Christ is Risen …

He is risen indeed.  Alleluia!

It was lovely to see a large congregation of visitors as well as regulars coming together to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection on this Easter Sunday.

We were delighted to welcome the Revd Alison Finch who took our service, spoke on the Easter message and presided at Holy Communion.

Busy bees had been at work baking Easter biscuits and supplying Easter eggs to the children.   We wish everyone in Axmouth and beyond a Happy Easter.


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