Today’s Bible passage was Luke 12:49-56
It was read by Nigel then Hilary spoke on it.
Elisabeth led the service and Pancha the prayers.
The recording this week is substandard for technical reasons but you can hear the spoken sections here.
Today’s Bible passage was Luke 12:49-56
It was read by Nigel then Hilary spoke on it.
Elisabeth led the service and Pancha the prayers.
The recording this week is substandard for technical reasons but you can hear the spoken sections here.
On Sunday 4th August we studied the parable of the Rich Fool
Mary read Luke’s account of what Jesus taught in Luke 12:13-21 and Roger applied the lesson our lives today.
Lesley officiated at our worship, Rose led prayers and Roger also played the organ!
You can listen to the service here – and sing along if you like!