Christingle Service 5 Jan 2020

We opened the New Year at Axmouth with a Christingle Service, a candle-lit celebration named after the Christingles that are lit as the service proceeds. Christingles are made from an orange decorated with red ribbon, sweets and a candle. They have been part of our history for the last 50 years. Those who celebrate Christingle normally hold a collection in aid of the Children’s Society to support children and young people in the darkest situations imaginable.

Click image to listen to the service

Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell the Christian story:

  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon symbolises the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations
  • The lit candle represents the light of Jesus in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.

Lesley led the service and Hilary spoke on Matthew 5:14-15 …
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house.


Axmouth Morning Service Sun 29 Dec

Although we’re in the middle of family holiday and travel between Christmas and New Year, we were delighted to welcome a small congregation to worship this morning.

Today’s Bible passage told of Mary and Joseph’s escape to Egypt with the newborn baby Jesus. Sue read the passage from Matthew 2:13-23 and Lesley spoke on it.

Ann led the service and presided at Communion.

Click the image above to hear the service.