Services and Gatherings – week beginning Sun 10 May

Sunday 11.00 – AVMC ‘Zoom’ Service
Clive Sedgewick led the online service, Roger Grose gave a homily on the day’s readings, Simon Byworth led us in prayer and Ted Steiner shared his faith.
Peter Parshall played and sang the hymns and we all shared in the UK Blessing on YouTube

Next Sunday’s service will mark Rogation Sunday and will be led by Tracey Voysey

Meanwhile, you can also watch Uplyme church’s service at

Wednesday at 15.30 – AVMC Coffee and Cake on Zoom
A chance to chat and keep up to date with each other. (Bring your own coffee and cake!) Everyone welcome.

Friday at 09.30 – Axmouth Bible & Prayer Group by Email
If you would like to join this group, please use “Contact Us” either in the top menu or here.

Friday at 10.30 – AVMC Telephone Service
You don’t need a computer for this. Phone 0330 606 0403 a couple of minutes before 10.30 and give the access code 484444#

For more details of the week to come, look at the AVMC Pews News here

or check below

Week beginning Sun 26 April

Our Rector, Revd Clive Sedgewick, has notified the following services for Sunday and the coming week. They are followed by sections on Prayer and Communication.


A choice of three for Sunday

Sunday at 11 am – AVMC Live ‘Zoom’ Service online

A service of music, prayer and praise led by local church members. The Mayor of Axminster, Anni Young, speaks on how faith impacts on her life and work. The service will last about 30 minutes and will be an uplifting opportunity for fellowship and worship.

Sunday at 10 am — Uplyme church is running a service online each Sunday which you can access either live at 10 am or later at any time on YouTube.

Sunday at 10 am — Exeter Cathedral Live Sunday Service online

During the week

Wednesday at 3 pm — Coffee and Cake online

A fun meeting to chat and keep up to date with each other.  (Bring your own coffee and cake!).

Friday at 10.30 am – service by telephone

This is a dedicated service for our Mission Community churches. Give it a try and worship with those you know. Call 0330 606 0403 a couple of minutes before 10.30 and give the access code 484444#.


Our church buildings remain closed – but our churches are people and we continue to be active, to worship God and to support each other. Most of all we continue as a people of prayer. I am grateful to Roger for this prayer:

Ever present God,
be with us in our isolation,
be close to us in our distancing,
be healing in our sickness,
be joy in our sadness,
be light in our darkness,
be wisdom in our confusion,
be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar,
that when the doors reopen
we may with the zeal of Pentecost
inhabit our communities
and speak of your goodness
to an emerging world.
For Jesus’ sake. Amen

As a people of prayer please do send me any prayers that speak to you – and why not write your own prayers and poems and send them in to be shared? We would love to produce our own local book of prayers and poems.

Weekdays at 8.30 am — The AVMC Ministry Team is holding virtual Morning Prayer at 8.30 each weekday and hold all in prayer. Should you have specific prayer requests please send these to Clive.

Please e-mail or telephone (01297) 792120.

Please remember in your private prayers all those you know to be in trouble, sorrow or sickness



Talking to someone can be a real encouragement. Why not call someone and have a chat. Don’t be alone – please make sure you have telephone or internet contact with people each day. Don’t wait for them to call you!