Week beginning Sun 23 May 2021

Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Shuna and Emma brought us our Sunday morning Pentecost Communion service and, between them, tackled some of the key questions in the light of personal experiences – theirs and those of others.

We also worshipped as best we could but, until the pandemic restrictions are lifted, we are not allowed to sing in church. But we can sing outside.  And we did!

The service was live-streamed online but, if you missed it, here it is:

Roger writes about Pentecost in the latest Pews News, where you will also find all the latest from the Axe Valley Mission Community of churches, of which we in Axmouth are part.

Week beginning Sun 16 May

We heard our organ being played before the 10am Sunday Service (!) and we were pleased to welcome Roger, not only to play but also to lead our worship.

We also have an extra service this week – Night Prayer (or Compline as the prayer book calls it) – on Tuesday evening at 7 pm. This is part of the Church’s annual initiative called “The Kingdom Come”. We make that prayer all the time, but what does it actually mean?  Well, in this context it’s a global prayer movement inviting Christians to pray for more people to come to know Jesus.  Our Night Prayer or ‘Compline’ is part of it – it’s a quiet, reflective service to help you unwind after a busy day and give God an opening to speak about it to you.

More about this, and the whole week ahead, in the latest Pews News