Week beginning 8th August

Lesley took this weeks’ service and Shuna presided at Holy Communion.

Once again we followed our lighter COVID precautions with no restrictions on numbers, an area set aside for those preferring a bit of social distance, and face coverings even when singing.

We streamed the service live to our Facebook page and here is a video recording, without the music for copyright reasons.

Last week, Hilary and Emma led our worship.

The church is open from 9 am to 4 pm each day.

Here is our Pews News for the first two weeks of August

Week beginning July 25th

Terry and Pancha took our service on Sunday. We were allowed to sing (more on that below) and also to have coffee afterwards (served in sanitised cups). Here is a video recording.

What we are now able to do …

Latest Government advice
All legal restrictions have been replaced by advice. We don’t have to stay 2 metres apart from people we don’t live with. There are also no limits on the number of people we can meet. However, in order to minimise risk at a time of continuing high infection, we should limit close contact with those we don’t live with. This includes minimising the number, proximity and duration of social contacts. We should meet outdoors where possible and allow plenty of fresh air indoors. We should still wear face coverings in crowded places.

What does this mean for us in Axmouth Church?
We have posted a new risk assessment on the porch notice board and here.
We can sing again, social distancing can be relaxed and there is no limit on how many people can attend church. However, COVID has not gone away and there are plenty of cases in East Devon. As Christians we must take personal responsibility for our actions and show care for others.

So for the present we will:
• Continue the ‘track and trace’ register
• Continue hand sanitiser/cleansing arrangements
• Encourage the congregation to use face coverings in church, including singing
• Reserve the side aisle for those who wish to maintain social distancing
• Continue communion in one kind only: no sharing of the common cup
• Exchange the peace visually only
• And, of course, ask anyone feeling unwell to stay away until recovered

Future aspirations
We aim to open the church to weekday daytime visitors from 1st August.
We’ll make further revisions in the light of experience. We welcome your feedback.

Please read Pews News for the Week