Week beginning Sun 24 Oct

What’s happening this week in the Axe Valley Mission Community? Our weekly news sheet is Pews News and you can read or download it here. A printed version is also being distributed in church for the next few weeks.  We’d love your feedback on it.

Next Sunday is All Souls Day and Elisabeth will lead a special service commemorating those who have gone before.  Please let her know of any names you’d like included.

Although the lockdowns are behind us, COVID-19 is still very much around and local case numbers are rising. We continue to recommend hand sanitising, face covering and social distancing in church.

The Autumn 2021 of the Axmouth Parish Magazine was recently circulated to households in the parish. It is also available online: just click here to read it.

Week beginning Sun 17 Oct

The Axe Valley Mission Community publishes a weekly news sheet. If you haven’t seen it before, it’s called Pews News and you can read or download it here. It’s our way of grouping together all the activity in the area and to let you know what all 8 AVMC churches are doing, not just us in Axmouth. A printed version is being distributed in church for the next few weeks.  We’d love your feedback on it.

Now the lockdowns are behind us, we sense less of a need to stream our services live to our Facebook page or to place video recordings of them here. As an experiment we are going to discontinue the practice for a while. However, if you feel this will remove a facility you have relied on please contact Iain on 01297 21372 or iain.purdon@btinternet.com.

Our editor Dot Browning has published the Autumn 2021 edition of the Axmouth Parish Magazine. It has been circulated to households in the parish and it also available online. Just click here to read it.