Week beginning 27 Feb 2022 – new COVID precautions

Our vicar Nicky welcomed us to Holy Communion on Sunday.
Now that the Government has relaxed the pandemic rules, we’ve had to decide how to run our services safely. Nicky and the PCC have agreed to try this approach.
We’ll offer hand sanitising when you come in.
We’ll ask you to wear a face covering when you are moving around the church but not when you are in your place.
We’ll reserve the side aisle for those who would like a bit more social distance.
We’ll offer the collection bags in such a way that you don’t have to touch them.
We’ll offer Communion from the table at the front of the main aisle to give you a one-way route back to your place via the side aisle.
The Eucharist will be in one kind only (bread).  But intinction is also allowed so, if you wish, the presiding priest can dip the wafer in the wine for you.
We hope you approve. If you’d like to comment, do please use “Contact Us” to let us know.
Remember to check out Pews News too!


Week beginning Sun 20 Feb

Elisabeth is leading our Sunday worship and Lesley will be speaking.

Details of our church news this week is in Pews News!

Many thanks to those came to the first in our monthly series of Wholeness and Wellbeing services on Tuesday. These are held on the third Tuesday morning of each month so the next one will be on Tue 15th March at 9.50 in the Minster Church, Axminster. You are warmly invited.

Also coming up very soon a weekly course called Loss is part of Living, Details below.