Week beginning Sun 3 Apr

We are sad to announce the death during the week of Rosemary Barratt after a lengthy illness. Many of us knew her and will have enjoyed her leading our worship on the harp in former times. Deepest sympathy to our dear friend Terry, her brother, and all the family she leaves behind.

This is the beginning of Passiontide and we start a non-standard month at Axmouth Church. Holy Communion will be this week, and also on Easter Sunday, while next week on Palm Sunday we’ll have a donkey procession at 9.30 followed by an informal service. This will not be in church but in the Village Hall where we’ll also have some refreshments.

Details of all that and more in Pews News

Week beginning Sun 27 Mar

Mothering Sunday! Nicky was with us to take the service and preside at Communion. Frances, Hilary and Lesley spent yesterday picking primroses at Pinhay and distributed posies for all mothers. Sue made coffee for us after the service and Yvonne made cakes for everyone.

Plenty going on in the Axe Valley Mission Community. For details, see Pews News.

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